
Abdullah Erdi Gökce

Software Developer


Java backend developer with 6 years of experience (2 years of Full-Stack). Participated in various enterprise-level projects in finance, payment systems, and assessment systems. Worked with a diverse of cultures.

Responsible for questioning business requirements, implementing features and unit tests, investigating bugs and fixing them permanently, responding to production incidents initiatively, mentoring juniors, and more.

Technically strong experience with Java 8 and Java 11+, Spring Boot, ORMs, RDBMSes, Docker, Kafka, API design, Rest, GraphQL, AWS, nodejs, React,, etc.

Quick Overview

  • Expertise Area:Java & Back-End
  • Main Sectors:Banking & Assessment
  • Years of Experience:5+
  • Languages:Turkish (Native), English (Fluent)


Institution: Kocaeli University
Qualification: Information Systems Engineer
GPA: 3.41/4

Graduated as top scoring student.

Completed course: Coursera (Machine Learning by Stanford University)

Work Experience


  • Jan. 2023 - Present
  • Since January of 2023
  • Senior Backend Developer
  • İstanbul, Turkey
  • BKT

BKT is an Albanian bank that has operations in Albania and Kosovo. In BKT, I took part in the development of channel logic for Internet banking and mobile. This product was built on Java 11 / Spring Boot 2 and was designed as a modular monolith.

During this project, I’ve had hands-on experience with the YAGNI principle, Oracle, Swagger, etc.

My responsibilities were:

  • Completing time-critical issues in time with close collaboration.
  • Participating in code reviews. Giving and accepting hard feedback easily for reviews of my developments.
  • Mentoring juniors and helping newcomers with their onboarding process.
  • Delivery aimed work with strong communication.
  • Immediately reporting incidents I have detected my peers and my lead.
  • Taking supportive initiatives during outages.


  • Nov. 2020 - Jan. 2023
  • 2 years 1 month
  • Full-Stack Software Engineer
  • İstanbul, Turkey
  • Witwiser

I have joined back to OBSS as a full-stack developer in the Witwiser project which consists of two products:

  • Online assessment
  • Remote proctoring

In Witwiser, I have developed the frontend & backend of the assessment and proctoring system.

I have had hands-on experience in this project as follows:

  • Java 8 and Spring Boot 2
  • GraphQL, Rest as API spec.
  • ReactJS for frontend.
  • Chrome Plugin (for running machine learning models, manages communication in the entire browser and Witwiser backend)
  • Socket IO event streaming (Handle session events like video and audio streams)
  • NodeJS as a backend system in order to handle integrations between AWS and Socket clients.
  • Queuing streaming events for persistency in Kafka.
  • Implementing unit tests for core features with JUnit 5 and Mockito.

I was responsible with:

  • Accepting and following issues in every step until it goes to production.
  • Inquiring about business requests and sharing feedback about them.
  • Participating to code reviews with enforcing correct usage of design patterns and SOLID principles.
  • Tracking, evaluating, and giving responses to the application logs/events 
through Sentry/AWS Cloudwatch.
  • Taking action if there is an error in Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment pipelines.
  • Whole development processes are tracked over JIRA (Mails are used only for notifications).
So keeping my tasks updated was important.
  • Attending daily, grooming and retrospective meetings.
  • I was directly reporting to CTO.


  • May. 2020 - Now. 2020
  • 6 months
  • Backend Developer
  • İstanbul, Turkey
  • AkÖde (Tosla)

Participated in Tosla project as a Kotlin backend developer. It was my first hybrid/microservice experience.

I’ve had hands-on experience with:

  • Openshift
  • Kotlin for server-side
  • TFS
  • Flyway
  • Kafka (to handle asynchronous and bulk processes)

I was responsible with:

  • Delivering tasks on time.
  • Mentoring juniors and interns.
  • Keeping track of KPIs and burndown charts of the sprint and reporting them as a scrum master.

PGI Turkey

  • Oct. 2018 - May. 2020
  • 1 year 7 months
  • Backend Developer
  • İstanbul, Turkey
  • MAPFRE, Halkbank, Deutsche Bank

I have worked as a consultant for Opentext's enterprise content management solution -called Documentum- to MAPFRE, Halkbank and Deutsche Bank.

I have worked on unstructured data management, data analysis, business process management. I worked with customer directly and analysed customer requirements, developed and delivered on time with high customer satisfaction. Also I have worked as customer support and troubleshoot issues, found root causes, fixed permanently.

I have worked on many different IT infrastructure such as:

  • MSSQL & Oracle
  • Linux Servers (RHEL) & Windows Servers
  • Virtual machines
  • Networking, Load balancers and Firewalls
  • Java 6-8 with vendor specific libraries.


  • Jun. 2017 - Oct. 2018
  • 1 year 4 months
  • Junior Backend Developer
  • İstanbul, Turkey
  • Yapıkredi Bank

First professional full-time experience in software development. I have worked as a software developer in Yapıkredi Bank on behalf of OBSS.

I have attended the development of commercial credits and individual credits limit allocation logic.

I have personally experienced the followings:

  • Investigation for Java 6 -> Java 8 upgrade.
  • Maintaining a module in core banking, backbone Spring MVC with Hibernate.
  • Conversion of legacy PLSQL packages to Java packages.
  • SOAP service integration of external services from outside of the bank.
  • Responding to production incidents in SLAs.

Technology Skills

Java EE Spring Boot Agile Oracle Database Maven AWS Continuous Integration (CI) Continuous Deployment (CD) Design Patterns Hibernate JPA JDBC SOA Linux Docker OOP SOAP RESTful API GraphQL JUnit Mockito Apache Kafka ReactJS Tomcat Concurrency Scalability